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Tflearn: Solving XOR with a 2x2x1 feed forward neural network in Tensorflow by Tadej Magajna

xor neural network

Backpropagation is a way to update the weights and biases of a model starting from the output layer all the way to the beginning. The main principle behind it is that each parameter changes in proportion to how much it affects the network’s output. A weight that has barely any effect on the output of the model will show a very small change, while one that has a large negative impact will change drastically to improve the model’s prediction power. Yes, a single layer neural network with a non-monotonic activation function can solve the XOR problem.

xor neural network

An Introduction do Neural Networks: Solving the XOR problem

Some advanced tasks like language translation, text summary generation have complex output space which we will not consider in this article. The activation function in output layer is selected based on the output space. For a binary classification task sigmoid activations is correct choice while for multi class classification softmax is the most populary choice. In the above figure, we can see that above the linear separable line the red triangle is overlapping with the pink dot and linear separability of data points is not possible using the XOR logic. So now let us understand how to solve the XOR problem with neural networks.

  1. The plot function is exactly the same as the one in the Perceptron class.
  2. The central object of TensorFlow is a dataflow graph representing calculations.
  3. Sounds like we are making real improvements here, but a linear function of a linear function makes the whole thing still linear.
  4. After we set the data type to be equal to np.float32,  we can apply this index shuffle variable on x1, x2 and y.
  5. The choice appears good for solving this problem and can also reach to a solution easily.

Linear Regression

xor neural network

Now that we have defined everything we need, we’ll create a training function. As an input, we will pass model, criterion, optimizer, X, y and a number of iterations. Then, we will create a list where we will store the loss for each epoch. We will create a for loop that will iterate for each epoch in the range of iteration.

The Significance of the XOR Problem in Neural Networks

The algorithm only terminates when correct_counter hits 4 — which is the size of the training set — so this will go on indefinitely. To visualize how our model performs, we create a mesh of datapoints, or a grid, and evaluate our model at each point in that grid. Finally, we colour each point based on how our model classifies it.

The only difference is that we have engineered the third feature x3_torch which is equal to element-wise product of the first feature x1_torch and the second feature x2_torch. Until the 2000s, choosing the transformation was done manually for problems such as vision, speech, etc. using histogram of gradients to study regions of interest. Having said that, today, we can safely say that rather than doing this manually, it is always better to have your model or computer learn, train, and decide which transformation to use automatically. This is what Representational Learning is all about, wherein, instead of providing the exact function to our model, we provide a family of functions for the model to choose the appropriate function itself. In the 1950s and the 1960s, linear classification was widely used and in fact, showed significantly good results on simple image classification problems such as the Perceptron. Now, convex sets can be used to better visualize our decision boundary line, which divides the graph into two halves that extend infinitely in the opposite directions.

xor neural network

Penn physics and engineering researchers have created a local learning network that is fast, low-power, and scalable.

Our code is therefore very dependent on how the weights are initialised. This multi-later ‘perceptron’ has two hidden layers represented by \(h_1\) and \(h_2\), where \(h(x)\) is a non-linear feature of \(x\). And now let’s run all this code, which will train the neural network and calculate the error between the actual values of the XOR function and the received data after the neural network is running. The closer the resulting value is to 0 and 1, the more accurately the neural network solves the problem. Now let’s build the simplest neural network with three neurons to solve the XOR problem and train it using gradient descent.

As discussed, it’s applied to the output of each hidden layer node and the output node. Its differentiable, so it allows us to comfortably perform backpropagation to improve our model. Remember the linear activation function we used on the output node of our perceptron model? You may have heard of the sigmoid and the tanh functions, which are some of the most popular non-linear activation functions. To bring everything together, we create a simple Perceptron class with the functions we just discussed. We have some instance variables like the training data, the target, the number of input nodes and the learning rate.

Following the development proposed by Ian Goodfellow et al, let’s use the mean squared error function (just like a regression problem) for the sake of simplicity. This enhances the training performance of the model and convergence is faster with LeakyReLU in this case. Both the features lie in same range, so It is not required to normalize this input. This process is repeated until the predicted_output converges to the expected_output.

In order for the network to implement the XOR function specified in the table above, you need to position the line so that the four points are divided into two sets. Trying to draw such a straight line, we are convinced that this is impossible. The outputs generated by the XOR logic are not linearly separable in the hyperplane. So  In this article let us see what is the XOR logic and how to integrate the XOR logic using neural networks.

In this post, we explored the classic ANN XOR problem. The problem itself was described in detail, along with the fact that the inputs for XOR are not linearly separable into their correct classification categories. The XOR, or “exclusive or”, problem is a classic problem in ANN research. It is the problem of using a neural network to predict the outputs of XOR logic gates given two binary inputs.

In a real-world situation, we have to use a method called backpropagation to train this multilayer perceptron. After training, we will get the weights we have used here. But for this post, I have just shown the possibilities that we have if we want to solve such problems using perceptron. I will write about backpropagation to train a multilayer perceptron in the future. We define the input, hidden and the output layers.Syntax for that couldn’t be simpler — use input_layer() for the input layer and fully_connected() for subsequent layers. In this project, I implemented a proof of concept of all my theoretical knowledge of neural network to code a simple neural network from scratch in Python without using any machine learning library.

Normal equations are an analytical way to solve for the parameters. It’s the better option when you have a smaller data set to work with. Let’s see what Normal Equations are and what w and b are too. We can’t get a statistic generalization on such a small input space, all we can do is to fit the the dataset.


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